Species of killifish Category;

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Aphyosemion striatum, Aphyosemion Bivittatum Funge, Aphyosemion Australe, Aphyosemion Splendopleure,


Epiplatys annulatus,


Nothobranchius Guentheri, Nothobranchius Korthausae, Nothobranchius Rachovii,


Fundulopanchax Gardneri, Fundulopanchax Scheeli, Fundulopanchax Sjoestedti,



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Species of killifish Articles;

Aphyosemion striatum

Aphyosemion striatum By Kate Breimayer If Barbie had a killie it would look something like this: Mint green above, canary yellow racing stripes on the fins, a brilliant blue fading to violet and then white below, and the whole entire fish sm ...


I have been a member of the American Killifish Association since July 1996. I have not kept any killifish until just recently. I wanted to try an Aphyosemion species or a Fundulopanchax species since they have been described by the AKA Beginner's ...


Aphyosemion abacinum Diapteron abacinum(Huber 1976, Bi:420 Diapteron abacinum, B2:640 Diapteron abacinum, RP:78, H:55 Diapteron abacinum, W:75, La:20, S:150, , G8:24 Diapteron abacinum, Vv:102 Diapteron abacinum, FM:144 5/96 Diapteron abacinum, AL:, ...

Aphyosemion striatum (Boulenger, 1911)

Aphyosemion  striatum  (Boulenger, 1911)   Family:   Aplocheilidae (Killifishes) picture (Apstr_u4.jpg) by Teigler, F. ...

Aphyosemion Australe - The Lyretail Killy

The Killifish Aphyosemion australe (pronounced: af-ee-oh-see-me-on  awe-stray-lee) is my all time favorite aquarium fish. I like the shape, color and behavior of this species. Young Male, click for larger picture.   The pi ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Killifish, Species of killifish, Aphyosemion, Aphyosemion Australe, Clint Norwood

Aphyosemion Bivittatum Funge

Aphyosemion Bivittatum Funge Male - Aphyosemion Bivittatum Funge © Justin Stofko  Male - Aphyosemion Bivittatum Funge © Justin Stofko Under different lighting.  A pair of Aphyosemion Bivittatum Funge By Justin ...

Aphyosemion splendopleure

Aphyosemion splendopleure Aphyosemion splendopleure Location - Mayyuka Police Station Click for a much larger picture Origin:   Cameroon, Africa  Temp:  68 - 80°F (20 - 26.5°C)& ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Killifish, Species of killifish, Aphyosemion, Aphyosemion Splendopleure,

Aphyosemion Striatum

Copyright Tony Pinto (reprinted with permission from the author) A brilliant flash of green, red and yellow was all I saw as the fish dashed into the Java moss in the glass tank. It was my first encounter with killifish and I was hooked! I had bec ...

Aphyosemion striatum , (or How I got started with killifish)

NOTE: This article is copyright Tony Pinto and may not be reprinted by other not-for-profit organizations without permission from the author. A brilliant flash of green, red and yellow was all I saw as the fish dashed into the Jav ...

Aphyosemion Striatum The Five-Banded Killi

Aphyosemion Striatum The Five-Banded Killi By Alex Johnson  © Alex Johnson Aphyosemion Striatum is one of the most beautiful fresh water fish in the world. When in spawning colors it rivals even marine fish. A. Striatum is ve ...

Blue Gularis

Blue Gularis By Clint Norwood  A young male Blue Gularis, his real coloration is much brighter and more vivid than this picture can show. © Clint Norwood Latin Name: Fundulopanchax sjoestedti  Origin: Cameroon, ...

Care and breeding of Epiplatys annulatus

I would like to share my appreciation of, and interest in, the killifish with members of the club. I know that you probably get tired of hearing about my fish but I'll keep trying and someday some of you other folks will get interested also ...


List of known speciesEpiplatys ansorgiiEpiplatys azureusEpiplatys barmoiensisEpiplatys berkenkampiEpiplatys biafranusEpiplatys bifasciatus bifasciatusEpiplatys bifasciatus taeniatusEpiplatys chaperi chaperiEpiplatys chaperi samborskiiEpiplatys chaper ...

Epiplatys (Pseudep.) annulatus

Once rare, this fish is "around" more often then not and is not an uncommon import. Once considered difficult to breed (but not to keep) and while not easy, it it not an impossible fish to breed by any means. Notice the differences in color ...

Epiplatys Annulatus , The Clown Killy

The Clown Killy  © Alex Johnson  The Epiplatys Annulatus, or Clown Killi, is one of the most beautiful fish in the world. It has been adopted as a mascot by many organizations, notably the G.C.K.A. the Greater Cincinnati ...

Epiplatys annulatus, (Boulenger, 1915) - Banded panchax

Epiplatys annulatus, (Boulenger, 1915) Banded panchax Origin: West Afrika, occurs in the coastal areas in swamps and shallow waters.Etymology: annulatus(L.): yearly(?) Synonyms: Haplochilus annulatus, Pseudepiplatys annulatus, Pancha ...


List of known speciesFundulopanchax amietiFundulopanchax arnoldiFundulopanchax avichangFundulopanchax cinnamomeusFundulopanchax deltaensisFundulopanchax fallaxFundulopanchax filamentosusFundulopanchax gardneri clauseniFundulopanchax gardneri gardneri ...

Fundulopanchax Gardneri albino

Fundulopanchax Gardneri albino By Clint Norwood  2 Males © Clint Norwood Origin:   Africa  Temp:  68 - 77°F (20 - 25°C)  pH:   6 ...

Fundulopanchax Gardneri Misaje

Fundulopanchax Gardneri Misaje Origin:   Africa  Temp:  68 - 77°F (20 - 25°C)  pH:   6 - 7.5   dH:   Soft&am ...

Fundulopanchax gardneri N'Sukka

Fundulopanchax gardneri N'Sukka © Clint Norwood   Origin:   West Africa, Nigeria and Cameroon  Temp:  68 - 86°F (20 - 30°C)  pH:   6.5 - ...

Fundulopanchax scheeli

Fundulopanchax scheeli By Clint Norwood  A pair of Fundulopanchax scheeli, about twice life size. © Clint Norwood, petfish.net  Origin:   Africa  Temperature:  68 - 77 ...

How I breed the Nothobranchius

How I breed the Nothobranchius Nothobranchius breeds easily. The females are prolific egg-laying machines. A fish with such a short life span will, by nature, not be fussy about sexual ...

How I hatch the Eggs of the Nothobranchius

"Add water, make fish" - quote from my good friend, Susan Aufieri Peat moss is the most common medium used to incubate killifish eggs. The incubation time varies with different spec ...

How I raise the Nothobranchius

There is no need to provide aeration or filtration in the "raising trays." I never change the water in the trays. I only top them up with aged water as the fry grow. Remember to use only aged water. If yo ...

List of known species - killifish

List of known speciesAdamas formosusAdinia xenicaAphanius anatoliae anatoliaeAphanius anatoliae splendensAphanius anatoliae sureyanusAphanius apodusAphanius asquamatusAphanius baeticusAphanius danfordiiAphanius dispar disparAphanius dispar richardson ...

List of known species , Thumbnail view

Aphyosemion abacinumAphyosemion ahliAphyosemion alphaAphyosemion amoenumAphyosemion aureumAphyosemion australeAphyosemion bamilekorumAphyosemion batesiiAphyosemion bitaeniatumAphyosemion bivittatumAphyosemion bochtleriAphyosemion boehmiAphyosemion bu ...

Lyretail Killifish- Aphyosemion Australe

Lyretail Killifish- Aphyosemion Australe Picture © Chantelle Cochrane (Butterfly) Common Name: Lyretail Killifish (aka Cape Lopez Killifish)  Sc ...

Categories : , Clint Norwood, English, Aquarium, Killifish, Species of killifish, Aphyosemion, Aphyosemion Australe,


List of known speciesNothobranchius albimarginatusNothobranchius annectensNothobranchius bojiensisNothobranchius brieniNothobranchius eggersiNothobranchius elongatusNothobranchius fasciatusNothobranchius flammicomantisNothobranchius foerschiNothobran ...

Nothobranchius Guentheri

Nothobranchius guentheri Male Nothobranchius guentheri - Click for larger size © Clint Norwood, petfish.net  Click for larger Size  I am so pretty! Origin:  Zanzibar Island, Africa  ...

Nothobranchius Korthausae

Nothobranchius korthausae   Origin:   Mafia Island, Africa  Temp:  68 - 86°F (20 - 30°C)  pH:   6.5 - 8    dH: &am ...

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