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Fundulopanchax Gardneri albino By Clint Norwood

2 Males © Clint Norwood Origin:   Africa
Temp:  68 - 77°F (20 - 25°C)
pH:   6 - 7.5   dH:   Soft
Temperament:  Something about the Albino gene makes this gardneri a lot more gentle and aggreeable than the regular Garneri. They can get along quite well. Though they do go through the usual flaring and displaying, they don't get into any real fin tearing fights.
Adult Size:  Up to 3 in   (7.5cm)
Minimum Tank Size:  1 gallon to 2 1/2 gallon bowl for a trio
Feeding:  Best results with live foods, but will accept frozen and flake food.
Breeding:  A Switch Spawning Killifish, with about a 2 week incubation period in water and 3 weeks in moist peat.
Comments:  Fundulopanchax Gardneri albino is a Switch Spawning Killifish from Africa. It gets to up to a little over 3 inches long (7.5cm). Will thrive in most normal aquarium conditions including temperatures from 68 to 77° F (20-25C) and any moderate pH and dH, but prefers soft and slightly acidic wat ...
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