Nothobranchius Korthausae is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Nothobranchius korthausae
Origin:   Mafia Island, Africa
Temp:  68 - 86°F (20 - 30°C)
pH:   6.5 - 8    dH:   Medium To Hard
Temperament:  Just about all male Nothobranchius will sometimes fight. But Korthausae are one of the gentler representatives of the genus. They are not as hard on the females either. My set-up is a 5 gallon tank with 4 males and 6 females; this seems to be a good combination. There is some flaring sometimes but overall they get along very well. This fish is very productive. My original start with this fish was a 1 days spawn that I got from Robert Meyer in a trade. From this one days spawn I got about 20 fry, mostly males, and thinned it down to my present population.
Adult Size:  Up to 1½ inches (4cm)
Minimum Tank Size:  1 gallon to 2½ gallon bowl for a trio
Feeding:  Best results with live foods, but will accept most standard Aquarium food.
Breeding:  A Soil Spawning Killifish, has a somewhat short incubation period of 6 to 10 weeks.
See Nothobranchius Fry Tips
Comments:  A very pretty and under app ...
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