How I raise the Nothobranchius is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

There is no need to provide aeration or filtration in the "raising trays." I never change the water in the trays. I only top them up with aged water as the fry grow. Remember to use only aged water. If you add water straight from the taps, all the fry will be dead the next day. I age my water by letting it stand in a bucket for at least 2 days.

Notho fry do not take well to water changes. I find that a certain amount of neglect works best when raising Notho fry. Changing water, checking on the trays several times a day, overfeeding or moving the trays about unnecessarily can result in massive die-offs.


One of the best food for Nothobranchius fry is baby brine shrimp. I feed only once a day during the first week. Do not overfeed as too much uneaten brine shrimp can contaminate the water and kill the fry. Microworms and vinegar eels are suitable fry food too but it can be a hassle harvesting them. Swollen bellies are a sure sign that the fry are eating well.

Fish rarely starve to death. More often than not, it is overfeeding that kills them. Do not be over-zealous when feedin ...

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