How I breed the Nothobranchius is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

How I breed the Nothobranchius

Nothobranchius breeds easily. The females are prolific egg-laying machines. A fish with such a short life span will, by nature, not be fussy about sexual partners or water conditions during spawning. There are many different types of breeding bowls you can use.

A simple plastic bowl (ice cream tub) that comes with a lid is the most suitable. The lid helps prevent the peat moss from being scattered all over the tank when the fish are spawning. Cut a round hole in the lid to a diameter of about 5 cm. Do not cut too small a hole as the fish can injure themselves scrapping along the edges when they enter and leave the bowl.

Peat moss is available in most nurseries and some supermarkets. Do not confuse peat moss with peat. The former is fluffier. You can also use peat but it won't be suitable for killies that are "peat divers". Before putting the peat moss into the breeding bowl, boil it first. This sterilises the peat and removes the oil. Cool the peat moss with running water before putting it into the breeding bowl.

Nothos are "peat spawners". T ...

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