Fundulopanchax scheeli is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Fundulopanchax scheeli By Clint Norwood
A pair of Fundulopanchax scheeli, about twice life size.
© Clint Norwood,
Origin:   Africa
Temperature:  68 - 77°F (20 - 25°C)
pH:   6 - 7.5   dH:   Soft
Temperament:  Males might sometimes fight. 2 males in the same aquarium will often fight, but if you have a group of males they will usually get along.
Adult Size:  Up to 2 1/2 in   (6.5cm)
Minimum Tank Size:  1 gallon to 2 1/2 gallon bowl for a trio
Feeding:  Best results with live foods, but will accept frozen and some dry food.
Breeding:  A Switch Spawning Killifish, with about an 2 week incubation period in water and 3 weeks in moist peat.
Comments: Fundulopanchax scheeli is a switch spawning killifish from the streams and marshes of Africa. It is very similar to the Gardneri complex, in appearence and maintainence as it is also easy to keep and spawn.
A pair or trio can be comfortably kept in a 2.5 gallon tank. scheeli are usually peaceful, but the males are someti ...
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