Fundulopanchax gardneri N'Sukka
© Clint Norwood
Origin: West Africa, Nigeria and Cameroon
Temp: 68 - 86°F (20 - 30°C)
pH: 6.5 - 8 dH: Not critical
Temperament: Somewhat peaceful with fish it's own size and larger. Competing males will put on a dazzling display when courting females.
Adult Size: Up to 2½in (6.25cm)
Minimum Tank Size: 2 gallon to 5 gallons for a trio
Feeding: Best results with live foods, but will eagerly accept most standard Aquarium food.
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much larger picture. Breeding: A Switch Spawning Killifish, with a dry incubation of around 3 weeks to a month, or wet incubation 14 to 21 days. N'Sukka is also an excellent killifish for a natural set-up. Large amounts of fry will appear in a well planted tank.
Comments: May be the best "first killie" for anyone wanted to get started in the wonderful addictive hobby of keeping and spawning Killifish.
Fundulopanchax gardneri N'Sukka is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.
Categories : , English, Aquarium, Killifish, Species of killifish, Fundulopanchax, Fundulopanchax Gardneri,
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