Genicanthus watanabei is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Genicanthus watanabei

Quick Stats:   Watanabe's Angelfish

Family: Pomacanthidae
Range: Western, South Pacific
Size: Up to 6 inches
Diet: Omnivore
Tank Set-up: Marine: Coral or rock, plants
Reef Compatible: Yes
Tank Conditions: 72-78ºF; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4
Minimum Tank Capacity: 100 gallon
Light: Low
Temperament: Peaceful
Swimming Level: No specific level
Care Level: Difficult
Reproduction: Egg Scatterer

The Watanabe's Angelfish, also known as Watanabe's Lyretail Angelfish, is one of the few angelfish displaying sexual dimorphism. The female is an iridescent pale blue with a dark dorsal fin. The lower half of the body and anal fin are highlighted by long, horizontal dark stripes and one, horizontal yellow stripe extending toward the caudal fin. The male has no stripes other than a dark outline to the dorsal and anal fins.

The Watanabe's Angel requires a 100 gallon or larger tank, and is an ideal candidate for the deep-water reef aquarium. Acclimation will be facilitated by a dimly-lit tank. The tank should have multiple hiding places and live rock for grazing.

Watanabe's Angelfish are best housed as a male-female pair. Do not keep two males in the same tank as fighting will ensue. The Watanabe's Angelfish are hermaphroditic and difficult to breed.

Watanabe's Angelfish seem very susceptible to swi ...

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