The Watanabei Angelfish (Genicanthus Watanabei) Category;

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The Watanabei Angelfish


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The Watanabei Angelfish (Genicanthus Watanabei) Articles;

Breeding Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)

Although I had previously kept Angelfish in a community tank, and witnessed some spawnings, I had not made any specific attempt to breed and rear them. With this in mind, I purchased four young wild-type silver Angelfish which were about 1" lo ...

Genicanthus watanabei

Genicanthus watanabei Quick Stats:   Watanabe's Angelfish Family: Pomacanthidae Range: Western, South Pacific Size: Up to 6 inches Diet: Omnivore Tank Set-up: Marine: Coral or rock, plants Reef Compati ...

Genicanthus watanabei

The Watanabe's Angelfish, also known as Watanabe's Lyretail Angelfish, is one of the few angelfish displaying sexual dimorphism. The female is an iridescent pale blue with a dark dorsal fin. The lower half of the body and anal fin are highlighted by ...

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