Breeding Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Although I had previously kept Angelfish in a community tank, and witnessed some spawnings, I had not made any specific attempt to breed and rear them. With this in mind, I purchased four young wild-type silver Angelfish which were about 1" long. They were placed in a 48x12x15" tank containing bogwood and a few plants (pH 7.0, GH 7, KH 3, nitrate 25mg/l or less). Three of the four grew to about 2" in approx. 3 months, the fourth always remained small at about 11/4 inches. They were fed on a staple diet of Aquarian flake food and Tetra Prima granular food, with frozen brine shrimp and bloodworm 1-2 times per week. A variety of other foods were offered on odd occasions and included: live Brine shrimp, chopped earthworms, chopped mussel and shrimp, cichlid pellets/granules, small pieces of cucumber, frozen red plankton, etc. After about 4 months, two of the larger fish seemed to be forming a pair - swimming together and driving the other two away. On one occasion they appeared to be more aggressive than usual and I noticed that they had spawned on the leaf of an Amazon sword. On this first occasion, I decided to leave the eggs with the parents to see what would happen. By lights-out later that evening, all the eggs were gone, no doubt eaten by the parents. This did not come as a surprise, as it is widely written that aquarium-bred angels have had their brood-care instincts bred out of them. The second spawning was exactly two weeks later ...
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