Assorted Angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare, 001 Category;

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Breeding Angelfish

Marine Angelfish

Pterophyllum scalare

Albino Angelfish of Many Colors


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Assorted Angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare, 001 Articles;

Angelfish Gallery

This gallery will show some of the many possible variations in angelfish. Some of the differences you see are due to environmental conditions, and others are due to genetics. The photos are ...

Keeping Angelfish / Scalare

Angelfish is the name of a popular aquarium fish native to slow flowing rivers and streams in South America. Its scientific name is Pterophyllum scalare, and Angelfish is therefore often called Scalare. When you set up an aquarium for your Scalare, you should try to make the aquarium resemble the natural environment for a wild Scalare. The slow flowing rivers and streams in South America where wild Scalare is found are typically densely grown with algae and aquatic plants. You Scalare will therefore fell more safe and stress-free if you keep it in a planted aquarium. Live plants are preferred. A common aquarium plant that is native to the natural environment of the Angelfish is the Amazon Sword Plants (Echinodorus). It is a hardy plant and can be found in more than 50 different species. Since it originates from the same waters as the Angelfish, both plant and fish will appreciate the same water quality when it comes to hardiness, pH-value, temperatures etcetera. Other examples of suitable plants are Java Moss (Vesicularia dubyana), Java Fern (Polypodium pteropus) and Water Sprite (Ceratopteris).

The Cichlid Fishes Called Angels

Since 1911 when the first freshwater angels were imported into Germany (and the U.S. through the Brooklyn Aquarium Society in 1925), this South American Cichlid has gone on to become a staple in our hobby interest. Or should I say staples ...

Angelfish Information

Click to EnlargeScalare Angelfish originally came from the Amazon Basin.  Unlike the Altum, they come in a wide variety of names, shapes and colors, such as Black, Gold, Striped and Marbled.  The body is extremely th ...

Albino Angelfish of Many Colors

Albino Angelfish of Many Colors Books on angelfish indicate that albino angelfish are a weak strain. My experience with them is quite different.  As long as they are outcrossed to black eyed strains every few generations they are very ...

Categories : English, ANGELFISH - AN, Assorted Angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare, 001, Albino Angelfish of Many Colors

Altum Angelfish, Orinoco Angel, Deep Angel

Altum Angelfish, Orinoco Angel, Deep Angel [Pictures] Pterophyllum altum SYN: None PD: A disc-shaped, laterally compressed cichlid with tall, erect fins. The body shape is similar to that of P. scalare but the forehead is m ...

Angel Fish

Name Pterophyllum scalare (ter o fill' um ska lar' e) The scientific name for the freshwater angelfish is quite descriptive. Pterophyllum is derived from the Greek word for "winged leaf" and scalare means "like a flight of stairs&q ...

Angelfish - Black, Marble

Scientific name: Pterophyllum scalare Maximum size: 15cm / 6 inches Temperament: Reasonably peaceful fish, schooling when young. Suggested for: Community tanks with nearly any sized community fish, but ...

Angelfish Behavior

By Julie Barker The freshwater tropical angelfish, Pterophyllum scalare, were originally found in the Amazon region of South America. Pterophyllum is a word that is derived from the Greek word meaning "winged leaf." Scalare is tra ...

Breeding Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)

Although I had previously kept Angelfish in a community tank, and witnessed some spawnings, I had not made any specific attempt to breed and rear them. With this in mind, I purchased four young wild-type silver Angelfish which were about 1" lo ...

Breeding Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)

Although I had previously kept Angelfish in a community tank, and witnessed some spawnings, I had not made any specific attempt to breed and rear them. With this in mind, I purchased four young wild-type silver Angelfish which were about 1" lo ...

Breeding tank description - Pterophyllum scalare (Lichtenstein, 1823), the Angelfish

Pterophyllum scalare with babies in the aquarium of Lisa Boorman. Photo by Lisa Boorman. A little background information is required to understand the status of these fish in the hobby. Pterophyllum comes from the Greek pteron (winge ...

FAQs on Freshwater Angelfishes

FAQs on Freshwater Angelfishes

FAQs on Freshwater Angelfishes 2

Mysterious Death In A Long-Established System - 11/05/2005 Hello to all - I have a question about my freshwater aquarium, but before that, I would like to thank all of you for sharing your knowledge and advice. 

Freshwater Angelfish

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (Redirected from Pterophyllum scalare) Jump to: navigation, search ? Freshwater angelfish Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata ...

General Care of Angelfish

Aquarium Size The actual aquarium size is relatively unimportant. However, the number of angelfish per gallon is critical. This figure varies depending on several factors. Obviousl ...

How do I get a breeding pair?

BUYING A BREEDING PAIR can be expensive. It's usually better to buy four to eight small Angels in strains and colors that please you. Angelfish don't know what color they are, and will mate with any other variety. The common Silver is fascinating: stripes darken and lighten with moods. They may be stronger, less shy, and better parents than other strains. Breeding Silver and Gold adults will throw 1/4th gold fry... nice for variety.

Marine Angelfish

Of all the colorful fish within the a coral reef some of the most striking are the angelfishes. These species of fishes can be broken down into three generalized groups, the larger angels and thier juveniles, and the dwarf, pygmy ( centropyge spe ...

Pterophyllum scalare

by Kaycy Ruffer at In 1988 I tried spawning Angelfish. A good friend of mine in Red Bluff, he owned the local pet shop at the time, told me the best thing to do was to ...

Pterophyllum scalare

Family   Cichlidae Common name   Angel fish Origin   Amazon Adult size ...

Pterophyllum scalare

Also known as "Angel fish". Pretty well-known cichlid from South America. Its distinctively shape is due to the habitat they are living in: A lot of trees (mangroves?) have their roots in the water in the rain forest, which are aligned ...

Pterophyllum scalare

Pterophyllum  scalare  (Lichtenstein, 1823)   Family:   Cichlidae (Cichlids), subfamily: Cichlasomatinae picture (Ptsca_ua.jpg) by ...

Pterophyllum Scalare The Angelfish

Pterophyllum scalare, whose common name is the Angel or Angelfish, was one of the first and is the most popular of the New World Cichlids brought into the United States. There are actually two species of Angels, Pterophyllum scalare and Pterophyllum altum. This article will concentrate on the former and the more common. Angels are relatively flat or laterally compressed fish that attain a body size of approximately 3 inches. They have extraordinarily long (high) dorsal and anal fins that can add 6 or so inches to their height. A full-grown angel can measure maybe 5 inches long and 9 or 10 inches high. There is also a mutation, called the veiltail, that adds 3 or 4 inches to length and width. I have seen large veiltail angels that were a foot high and 8 inches long, laid out. The original angelfish is a silver fish with black stripes. See caution below for additional information.

Quality Angelfish

Quality Angelfish This will list the areas of importance that an aquarist should pay attention to, when trying to produce the highest quality angelfish. There are certain qualit ...

Skalarya,Melek Balığı

Anavatanı amazon ve guiana olan bubalık türünün boyu 10-15cm. kadardır.Yüksekliğide 15cm.'yi bulur.Melek Yelken Yüzgeç gibi isimlerinin yanısıra tür adı olan skalarya ismide kul ...

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