Pterophyllum Scalare The Angelfish is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.
Summary : Pterophyllum scalare, whose common name is the Angel or Angelfish, was one of the first and is the most popular of the New World Cichlids brought into the United States. There are actually two species of Angels, Pterophyllum scalare and Pterophyllum altum. This article will concentrate on the former and the more common. Angels are relatively flat or laterally compressed fish that attain a body size of approximately 3 inches. They have extraordinarily long (high) dorsal and anal fins that can add 6 or so inches to their height. A full-grown angel can measure maybe 5 inches long and 9 or 10 inches high. There is also a mutation, called the veiltail, that adds 3 or 4 inches to length and width. I have seen large veiltail angels that were a foot high and 8 inches long, laid out. The original angelfish is a silver fish with black stripes. See caution below for additional information.

Pterophyllum scalare, whose common name is the Angel or Angelfish, was one of the first and is the most popular of the New World Cichlids brought into the United States. There are actually two species of Angels, Pterophyllum scalare and Pterophyllum altum. This article will concentrate on the former and the more common. Angels are relatively flat or laterally compressed fish that attain a body size of approximately 3 inches. They have extraordinarily long (high) dorsal and anal fins that can add 6 or so inches to their height. A full-grown angel can measure maybe 5 inches long and 9 or 10 inches high. There is also a mutation, called the veiltail, that adds 3 or 4 inches to length and width. I have seen large veiltail angels that were a foot high and 8 inches long, laid out. The original angelfish is a silver fish with black stripes. See caution below for additional information.
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