Quality Angelfish

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Quality Angelfish

This will list the areas of importance that an aquarist should pay attention to, when trying to produce the highest quality angelfish. There are certain qualities that make for a high quality angelfish that is suitable for breeding purposes. These will be outlined below.  Many of the traits that make a superior quality angelfish breeder cannot be judged on a non-breeding angelfish. Additionally, even more traits cannot be properly judged on juvenile angelfish. Keep in mind, that setting aside a dozen good looking juvenile angelfish doesn't guarantee an adult angelfish suitable to be used as a  breeder. It is best if you can set aside 50 to 100, or more, to raise to adults. Of course, many of you will be unable to do this. Don't worry, we can, and it's a common practice for us. It's the reason our angelfish make so much progress from one generation to the next.  We follow these guidelines strictly. Remember, for someone to guarantee you a breeder quality angelfish, all the points listed below would have to be proven. That is impossible unless the angelfish is already breeding. O ...

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