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  Cichlidae Common name

  Angel fish Origin

  Amazon Adult size (cm) (inches) 12.7 5   Community tank?

  Yes, while small.

When full grown may become aggressive to smaller fish.


  Tubifex, water fleas, mosquito larvae, dried food Water temperature

  22 to 26.5 ° C (72 to 80 ° F) Breeding

  Moderately easy. Temperature 26.5 ° C (80 ° F).

Up to 1,000 eggs laid on rocks over a small area, during a 2 hour spawning period.

The female fans the eggs while the male stands guard.

  Additional information

  One of the most graceful of aquarium fish and especially beautiful when large, but some specimens can bully other slow-swimming or long-finned fish.

Becomes quite tame after a while, recognizing its owner's approach at feeding time.

Regular feeding with live food is recommended. ...

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