Angelfish - Black, Marble

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Scientific name: Pterophyllum scalare

Maximum size: 15cm / 6 inches

Temperament: Reasonably peaceful fish, schooling when young.

Suggested for: Community tanks with nearly any sized community fish, but avoid very tiny fish and fancy-finned species. They are also suited to planted tanks.

Water quality: pH around neutral (6.8 - 7.2), soft to moderately hard water.

Temperature: 24 to 28°C

Origin: South America, Amazon River.

Average Lifespan: 10 years or more.

Minimum tank size: ????

Comments: Angelfish are one of the best known community fish and will fit well in to most tanks, if introduced as juveniles. They are peaceful, but may regard very small tank mates as food, and may become nippy if kept with fancy-finned fishes (eg. Siamese fighting fish). They may also be especially aggressive when breeding. As they mature they will form pairs which may claim a territory and may chase tank mates, but damage rarely results. Many colour varieties have been developed, including marble (right) and gold (below), and varieties with long fins are also available. They prefer a tank with rock formations and driftwood retreats, and they don't mind a few plants to nibble on (but they wont destroy them). An angelfish tank should also be quite tall to allow for the height of the fish as it matures. When shocked or scared the angelfish has been known to lie flat on the bottom of the tank. If this happens, the fish will probably recover but you will need to make sure that the cause of the problem is resolved.

Angelfish are of intermediate difficulty to keep. They require a reasonably narrow range of temperatures and a well controlled pH. An angelfish tank should also be well cleaned and have a partial water change quite regularly. Angelfish can be especially susceptible to cottonmouth disease. This disease spreads quickly but can be cured if treated early. See our disease and treatment section for more information.

Suggested foods: The angelfish is an omnivore and will accept both vegetable and meat based foods. They are happy to receive a good quality tropical flake, granule or pellet but prefer meat based foods such as frozen brine shrimp, worm foods, daphnia, and beef heart. It is also a good idea to occasionally feed them with vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, and zucchini.

Breeding: Angelfish forms pairs quite easily and will spawn on flat stones and leaves. They may lay up to 1000 eggs in one spawn and may be caring parents. However, many angelfish are known to eat the eggs and in this situation the eggs should be removed into a separate tank with an air stone.

Sexing: No external differences. During breeding the males with have a more pointed breeding tube.

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