Angelfish Gallery

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This gallery will show some of the many possible variations in angelfish. Some of the differences you see are due to environmental conditions, and others are due to genetics. The photos are all from our hatchery, but not all are strains that we are currently breeding or working with. This is not a list of angelfish for sale!

This gallery is being re-built. Photos will be added on a steady basis.

Blue Blushing (S/S)

Gold (g/g)

Marble Blushing (M/g S/S)

Orange Marble Blushing (Gm/g S/S)

Peruvain Wild scalare

Silver (wild-type)             veil


Albino Bristlenose
   mature female                   mature male                        mature male

Related Searches;

  1. In Google Angelfish Gallery
  2. In Wikipedia Angelfish Gallery