How do I get a breeding pair?

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Summary : BUYING A BREEDING PAIR can be expensive. It's usually better to buy four to eight small Angels in strains and colors that please you. Angelfish don't know what color they are, and will mate with any other variety. The common Silver is fascinating: stripes darken and lighten with moods. They may be stronger, less shy, and better parents than other strains. Breeding Silver and Gold adults will throw 1/4th gold fry... nice for variety.

BUYING A BREEDING PAIR can be expensive. It's usually better to buy four to eight small Angels in strains and colors that please you. Angelfish don't know what color they are, and will mate with any other variety. The common Silver is fascinating: stripes darken and lighten with moods. They may be stronger, less shy, and better parents than other strains. Breeding Silver and Gold adults will throw 1/4th gold fry... nice for variety.

It's best to buy from established breeders in your neighborhood, or mail-order from one of the fine hatcheries listed here, or in the "

Angelfish Site Tour" at;list. If you want to risk buying from a pet store, ask about their guarantee policy. Select active fry from one or more large lots. (Breeding healthy brothers and sisters is usually no problem. In most strains, it will yield nearly identical offspring. 'Out-crossing' is recommended if your strain grows weak, or after three generations.) Look for perfect fins and gills and eager, hungry fish. Don't buy from a tank with sick fish... though they may move slowly in cold water, typical in pet shops. Always quarantine new arrivals. Quick changes in temperature and chemistry is stressful: when moving Angels; introduce water from the new tank on a schedule, like 1/3 volume per hour.

After they grow to about two inches (5cm) round, 8 to 12 months old, a female will become gravid -- IF your water is right, and the tank isn't too crowded. She and a male will flash fins, face off, lock mouths and twist. A happy pair may groom each other and jointly start to clean the spawning slate.

It's good to allow a young pair to spawn a few times before moving them, or they may lose the urge. If they're already in a breeding tank, move the others. Don't be alarmed if they eat the first few spawns.

Angels don't mate for life. Save a few other adults to replace a breeder that dies or is unsuitable. Partition tanks with plastic to protect new-comers, slower-swimming fish with long fins, or injured fish. I use light-panel lens material from the local builders' supply, cut slightly large and wedged in place. If you worry about circulation, use the open grid type.

What are your chances of having a pair, with n individuals? I think the formula for this is:


... or to put it in percents:
Number of
% chance of NO pairs Chances of at least ONE pair
1 100.0 0.0
2 50.0 50.0
3 25.0 75.0
4 12.5 87.5
5 6.3 93.8
6 3.1 96.9
7 1.6 98.4
8 0.8 99.2


If you want quick help from the experts, please go to The

Angelfish Forum!

Topic: angle pairs
Author: paulene blackman
Email: [email protected]
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Date: 07 Mar 2000
Time: 23:25:30


well I just bought about 6 mature angles and two of them seem to have paired off is it normal to end up with more females than males

Thanks for your question.

With one fish, it's 50-50 whether it's a male or female. I've never heard that

Angelfish are more likely to be females than males, though it could be, and this could vary depending on the conditions during spawning.

See the table above to figure your chances of having pairs. If you have 6 Angels, there's a 96.9% chance you'll have ONE pair, then from the four remaining, a 87.5% chance you'll have ANOTHER pair. From the two remaining, there's a 50% chance you'll have a third pair.

Author: Emad EL-Ghannam
Email: [email protected]
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Date: 06 Jun 2000
Time: 12:04:08


Dear sire I have an 8 pair of

angelfish and laid their eggs on the artificially plants like natural amazon plants. But the egg is fungus after 24hrs. This more thin 10 times. Despite the first time I put anti fungus spot and the second time general tonic the third time anti white spots. Once more I transport the artificial plants with the eggs to anther tank style same water also the eggs is fungus. I don't what the accused? And I can not understand why this is happening, what can I do? To fry hatched pls. Can you help? Thanks so much for your help and I am looking for your answer Best regarding

Topic: Jumbo Proven Breeding Pair For Sale - Idaho
Author: Valerie Stephens
Email: [email protected]
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Date: 10 Jun 2000
Time: 12:25:39


I have a Jumbo Yellow Koi (which I believe to be the female) and a Jumbo Black Lace that have thrown fry at least 15 times over the past year. They normally lay over 100 eggs every 2-3 weeks and have between 1/4 to 1/2 survive. I am in the military and we may be moving soon and I don't want to move the fish with us, also the local fish store is closing down and I won't really have a place to sell the fry anymore. Please email with an offer if interested. I will ship if not in the local area, however buyer will be responsible for shipping and I will require that insurance be purchased. Thanks!! Val

Topic: Red eyes
Author: Marcelo
Email: [email protected]
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Date: 15 Apr 2001
Time: 00:08:11


I have seen

angelfish with red eyes in most pictures. I own a 125 gallon tank in which i have 12 broodfish. 2 gold marbles, 2 laced blacks, two gold , 1 leopard, one silver, and 2 peruvian gold marble. Neither have red eyes, and some have small tails. How big can angelfish grow? How many times should I feed them a day? thank you for your help...

Related Searches;

  1. In Google How do I get a breeding pair?
  2. In Wikipedia How do I get a breeding pair?