Betta Splendens: General Information and Breeding is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

In this article, I will try to enlighten you on the topic of the care and breeding of Betta splendens, also known as the Siamese Fighting Fish.

The Siamese Fighting Fish originated in Thailand and Indonesia, where it lives in swamps and rice paddies. The original betta doesn’t have the long, colourful, flowing fins and thin long body of the fancy type, but instead has a short, stocky body with fins like a female betta, with red, green and blue being the predominant colours. The wild types are more aggressive and have more muscle than that of the fancy type.

The betta can be a very peaceful fish, but is considered aggressive for two reasons: Defence of territory, and The right to breed with a female. The betta, in my opinion, is one of the easiest first fish to keep, because they don’t require a huge tank with an expensive filter, and they don’t need to be fed expensive foods. The betta requires a small container (bowl or jar), likes to be fed once or twice a day and likes the water to be changed every four or five days, and that’s what makes it such a good beginner’s fish. It doesn’t require a lot of intense attention and care.

I have been breeding bettas for about a year and a half, and have had about ten or so successful spawns. It first started with a trip to the Local Pet Store (seems it always starts this way!) when I left with a pair of red/blue bettas, a ten gallon tank, a filter, food and a book on the ca ...

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