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Profiles of Aquarium Plants Articles;

Anubias Frazeri

Species Profile: Common Name: --------- Scientific Name: Anubias frazeri Origin: Restricted: No Aquarium Recommendations: Temperature: 76 - 82 (Fahrenheit) pH: Not Critical Hardness: Not Critical Substrate: Fine to Medium Gra ...

Anubias nana

Anubias nana Synonym: Anubias barteri var. nana Planting Area: Foreground,attached to driftwood Common name: Dwarf Anubias Lighting: low - high Origin: West Africa T ...

Aponogeton crispus

The Aponogeton crispus, or ruffled sword plant is native to central Sri Lanka. It grows in clear 20-100 cm. deep, still or running water. It is quite hardy and fast growing. It tolerates a wide range of light, water conditions and growing media. It withstands catfish scurrying, small-fish nibbling and snail infestations. It is also unusual in that it will grow almost continuously without the characteristic rest period of other Aponogeton species.

Aponogeton crispus

  Family Aponogetonaceae   ...

Aponogeton Undulatus


Echinodorus berteroi (Sprengel)

Family:  Alismataceae Habit:  Annual aquatic herb, with larger (8 to 30 cm.) arrowhead-shaped floating leaves and smaller (3 to 15 cm. wide) submerged leaves.  Plants o ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Aquarium Plants , Algeas, Profiles of Aquarium Plants, Echinodorus species,

Echinodorus quadricostatus

Synonym: E. intermedius, E. latifolius Planting Area: Foreground-midground Common name: Dwarf Swordplant Lighting: bright Originally From: Brazil Temperature: 72-82 Degrees F. M ...

Hemianthus micranthemoides

Hemianthus micranthemoides Synonym: Micranthemum micranthemoides Planting Area: Midground Common name: Pearl weed, Baby tears Lighting Level: Bright Origin: Cuba, Southeast ...

Heteranthera mexicana

Heteranthera mexicana S. Watson, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts. 18: 166. 1883. Eurystemon mexicanum (S. Watson) E. J. Alexander Plants annual. Vegetative stems submersed with elongate inter-nodes, or emersed and short. Flowering stems 6& ...

Heteranthera rotundifolia

Heteranthera rotundifolia (Kunth) Grisebach, Cat. Pl. Cub. 252. 1866. Heteranthera limosa (Swartz) Willdenow var. [ß] rotundifolia Kunth, Enum. Pl. 4: 122. 1843 Plants annual. Vegetative stems submersed with elongate inter-no ...

Limnophila indica

Hottonia indica Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. ed. 2, 208. 1762; Limnophila gratioloides R. Brown. Perennials, amphibious. Submerged stems much branched, glabrous. Aerial stems to 15 cm, simple or branched, glabrous, with stalked or sessile glands to nearly ...

Limnophila rugosa

Herpestis rugosa Roth, Nov. Pl. Sp. 290. 1821. Perennials, 10-50 cm tall. Rhizomes transverse. Stems 1 to few, fascicled, erect or ascending, usually unbranched, glabrous. Leaves opposite; petiole 1-2 cm, narrowly winged; leaf blade ovate, rhom ...

Limnophila sessiliflora

Hottonia sessiliflora Vahl, Symb. Bot. 2: 35. 1791; Ambulia sessiliflora (Vahl) Baillon ex Wettstein; L. taoyuanensis Yang & Yen. Perennials, amphibious. Submerged stems slender, long, glabrous or subglabrous. Aerial stems 6-40 cm, simple ...


Parrot-Feather Myriophyllum aquaticum   Parrot feather is an immersed plant that trails along the ground or water surface. It is easy to see why this plant is called parrot ...

Parrot's Feather

Myriophyllum aquaticum Common name(s): Parrot's Feather ...

Sagittaria graminea

Sagittaria graminea Michaux, Flora Boreali-Americana. 2: 190. 1803. Sagittaire a feuilles de graminees Herbs, perennial, to 100 cm; rhizomes coarse; stolons absent; corms absent. Leaves submersed or emersed; submersed leaves ph ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Aquarium Plants , Algeas, Profiles of Aquarium Plants, Sagittaria species,

Sagittaria kurziana

Sagittaria kurziana Glück, Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 54: 257. 1927. Herbs, perennial, to 250 cm; rhizomes absent; stolons present; corms present. Leaves submersed and floating, sessile, phyllodial, flattened, 5 ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Aquarium Plants , Algeas, Profiles of Aquarium Plants, Sagittaria species,

Sagittaria rigida

Sagittaria rigida Pursh, Flora Americae Septentrionalis. 2: 397. 1814. Sessile-fruited arrowhead, Sagittaire dressee Herbs, perennial, to 115 cm; rhizomes absent; stolons present; corms present. Leaves emersed or submersed; sub ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Aquarium Plants , Algeas, Profiles of Aquarium Plants, Sagittaria species,

Sagittaria montevidensis

Family - Alismataceae Leaves - Petioles thick, terete, spongy, mostly erect but also reclining, to +.75m. Blades sagittate, glabrous. Inflorescence - Typically shorter than leaves, decumbent. Flowers in whorls or pairs at nodes. Flowers - P ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Aquarium Plants , Algeas, Profiles of Aquarium Plants, Sagittaria species,

(Cryptocoryne wendtii)

Quick Stats Care Level: Moderate Light: Low to Moderate Placement:  Mid-ground ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Aquarium Plants , Algeas, Profiles of Aquarium Plants, Cryptocoryne species,

A step by step diary of a planted tank

Layout & planting The only plant that was left in the same place as before, was the Sagitaria subulata in the right front part of the tank. That's because they were already in the place I wanted them to be. They wer ...

A step by step diary of a planted tank

  A step by step diary of a planted tank - Part 5 by Christoforos Petrides Layout & planting The only plant that was left in the same place as before, was the Sagitaria subulata in the right front p ...


The amaranths (also called pigweeds) comprise the genus Amaranthus, a widely distributed genus of short-lived herbs, occurring mostly in temperate and tropical regions. Although there remains some confusion over the detailed taxonomy, there are abo ...

Amaranth History

D.H. Putnam1, E.S. Oplinger2, J.D. Doll2, and E.M. Schulte2 1Center for Alternative Plant & Animal Products, Minnesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108. 2Departments of Agronomy and Soil Science, College of A ...

Amaranth Tumbleweed (Amaranthus albus)

Family: Pigweed (Amaranthaceae) Flowering: July-October. Field Marks: The flowers of this species are borne in small clusters in the axils of the leaves. The stems are usually whitish and the seeds less than 1/20 inch broad. Habitat: ...

Amaranthus Info

Amaranthus Information GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT AMARANTH Amaranth (Amaranthus sp. -- Family Amaranthaceae) Info: Traders Information: ...


Anubias is a genus of species of aquatic and semi-aquatic flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to tropical central and western Africa. They primarily grow in rivers and streams, but can also be found in marshes. They are characterized by ...



The family Aracea includes many familiar decorative plants, both terrestrial and aquatic. One genus that is particularly desirable for aquarium use is Anubias. Unfortunately, the hobby books available on aquarium plants do not do justice to this group of plants. Most books show no more than one or two varieties (usually barteri and barteri var nana) or use outdated nomenclature. It's frustrating to see a sales list showing a number of different "species" of Anubias for sale!

These pages will help you identify the plants in your tank. Anubias are quite variable. If you can't positively identify your plant don't enjoy it less!

Anubias afzelii

Photos & Comments Photo Credit: Gianmarco Bertaccini Name: Anubias afzelii Origin: West Africa Care Gravel Light Easy Rich Any This plant is very easy to care for. I did nothing, I just put ...

Anubias barteri round leaf

Anubias barteri round leaf (Anubius barteri) ...

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