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Aponogeton species Articles;

Aponogeton crispus

The Aponogeton crispus, or ruffled sword plant is native to central Sri Lanka. It grows in clear 20-100 cm. deep, still or running water. It is quite hardy and fast growing. It tolerates a wide range of light, water conditions and growing media. It withstands catfish scurrying, small-fish nibbling and snail infestations. It is also unusual in that it will grow almost continuously without the characteristic rest period of other Aponogeton species.

Aponogeton crispus

  Family Aponogetonaceae   ...

Aponogeton Undulatus


Aponogeton distachyos L.f.

Common names: Waterblommetjie, Vleikos, Cape Pond Weed This is a well known local delicacy for the cold winter months. It has ...

Aponogeton fenestralis

Common Name: MADAGASCAR LACE Tropical – Bog pH range: 5.5 - 6.5 Temperature range: 20 - 22C Water hardness: 30 - 60 ppm ...

Aponogeton Images

Aponogeton ulvaceus, flower spike. Photo: © S.L. Winterton. Aponogeton ulvaceus, sheathing 'spathe'. Photo: © S.L. Winterton. Aponogeton ...

Aponogeton Linnaeus

Common name: Lace plant Family: Aponogetonaceae Could be confused with: Echinodorus, Crinum, Ottelia, Cryptocoryne. Native distribution: Tropical and subtropical Africa, Madagascar, Asia ...

Aponogeton Linnaeus

Common name: Lace plant Family: Aponogetonaceae Native distribution: Tropical and subtropical Africa, Madagascar, Asia, Australia. Species commonly cultivated: A. boivinianus Baillon (Madagasca ...

Aponogeton madagascarensis

Through literature and talking with other hobbyists I was under the impression that Lace Plants were hard to grow and harder to get plantlets from, a plant that was onlysupposedly for botanical gardens. I ordered 3 bulbs from Arizona Aquatic Garden ...

Aponogeton madagascariensis

Photos & Comments Photo Credit: Shawna Name: Aponogeton madagascariensis Origin: Madagascar (Africa) Care Gravel Light Hard Rich Medium I have some of this great plant in my 100 L plan ...

Aponogeton Plants

Aponogeton bulbs are available at places like Walmart. They come in packages of about 5 and sell for around $3.99. They are sometimes labeled as "Dwarf Hybrid Lilly". Many times you can buy the bulbs at petshops for about .50 each, or le ...

Aponogeton queenslandicus

DescriptionA perennial, tuberous-rooted aquatic plant, with submerged and floating leaves. The tubers are 1 - 5 cm long and are covered with flattened, bristly hairs. The floating leaves are rounded or oval, 2.8 - 14 cm long, light to mid-green a ...

Aponogeton rigidifolius

Aponogeton rigidifoliusFamily:Aponogetonaceae Scientific Name:Aponogeton rigidifolius Common Name: Distribution:Cultivar Height: 30-60 Width: 25-35 Light Required: average-high Temperature: 22-28 pH: acid-neutral Ease of care: average N ...

Aponogeton Seeds

My 55 gallon planted tank had been set up for about four months when I planted an Aponogeton crispus bulb near the center of the tank. It had one spindly leaf when I first planted it but within a few weeks it was growing three or four healthy leav ...

Aponogeton species

Aponogetons grow from a bulb and, can usually be purchased either as just a bulb or grown out as a plant. There are many forms the plants can take. The lovely Madagascar lace plant is one of the most attractive of the Aponogetons. There's a small ...

Aponogeton Ulvaceus

Aponogeton Ulvaceus A beautiful background or centerpiece plant.  Grows from a bulb.   Leaves are pale green.  Very undulated and slightly translucent.  Grows up to 30".  pH range from 6.8 to ...

Aponogeton ulvaceus bulb

Aponogeton ulvaceus bulbAponogeton ulvaceus bulbPlant nameAponogeton ulvaceus bulbMaximum size 30.0 - 50.0 cm ( 11.7 - 19.5 in)PH of water 6.8 - 7.7DH of waterdGH 4.0 - 12.0 °NRecommended temperature 22.0 - 25.0 °C ( 71.6 - 77.0 ...

Propagating Aponogeton ulvaceus

Aponogeton ulvaceus is distributed throughout central and northern Madagascar. This plant in nature is permanently submergered and grows in both still and moving waters. The leaves of A. ulvaceus are large and ruffled, pale green in col ...

The Aponogeton

Aponogeton is a genus of flowering aquatic plants. Aponogeton is the only genus of the family Aponogetonaceae. Linnaeus f., Supplementum Plantarum. 32.; 214. 1782. The name is Greek, from their aquatic habitat Aponogeton species are native to Af ...

The Aponogeton Family

The Aponogetons are a truly aquatic genus with species distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia and Australia. There are a number of different species of Aponogeton available in the hobby these days as wel ...

Ulvaceus (Aponogeton ulvaceus )

Common Name: Ulvaceus Scientific Name: Aponogeton ulvaceus Family: Aponogetonaceae Origin or Range: Madagascar ...

Water hawthorn

Common Name: Water hawthorn Genus: Aponogeton Species: distachyos Skill Level: Experienced Exposure: Full sun, Partial shade Hardiness: Tender Height: 60cm Spread: 120cm Time to divide plants: November to April ...

Water hawthorne (Aponogeton distachyus)

Water hawthorne (Aponogeton distachyus) Pronunciation: ah-poh-no-JEE-tun Alternative botanical names: none Alternative common names: Cape pondweed Family: Aponogetonaceae Native to: South Africa USDA zones ...

Water hawthorne (Aponogeton distachyus)

Water hawthorne (Aponogeton distachyus) Pronunciation: ah-poh-no-JEE-tun Alternative botanical names: none Alternative common names: Cape pondweed Family: Aponogetonaceae Native to: South Africa USDA zones ...

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