FAQs on Water Feature Rock Use/Making/Repair

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Faux garden rock enquiry  12/13/05
Hi Robert, I have just read your "Rock Selection & Use" at the wet web media
I am a grandmother and want to make some easy to handle rocks to place in my
Are you able to help me with a recipe and the how to, to accomplish this?   

Any help would be appreciated. Doesn't seem to be much know-how around to
help the crafty people.  Hope you can,   regards Yvonne

Locate Obsidian Rock for Japanese Dry Garden 10/16/05
Robert, my name is James Russell and I am trying to find a location to buy some Obsidian rock for my Japanese dry garden. Any ideas or leads that you can impart my way would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you for your help. 

How to make faux pond rock look more non-faux 8/2/05
      I have some artificial rocks that I have used to put in and around a garden pond. These "rocks" have holes in them and I have used real ones to try to fill in the holes so as to not have unsightly gaping things in my rock wall. I need to cover another area with these same kind of rocks and would like to know if you have any ideas about covering holes? The rocks are made of some light weight fiber (I think) type material and they are plastic on the back side.

The back of all of them is flat. I tried the form spray stuff that you use around pipes but that stuff never set up and I poured it right out on the ground! I have racked my very old (probably worn out) brain and can't come up with a thing!! Any help you might offer will be greatly appreciated!! Thanks Candi Rivers  

FAQs on Water Feature Rock Use/Making
Mr. Fenner - I'm no expert, but the time seems right for a well written
waterfall publication.  I've spent a great deal of time researching my
waterfall/stream rehab program and while information is available,
credentials such as yours are not available.  Greg Bickal
(http://www.bickal.com) sells an inexpensive DIY CD, but my 30 years as a
commercial banker has left me overly skeptical of anything that not tried
and true.

Anyhow, if you need some help from someone with pretty good grammar and
reasonable word processing/page layout skills, I'd be willing to help.

FAQs on Water Feature Rock Use/Making
Instead of the reference to http://www.rockandwaterscapes.net/, I wonder if
you intended http://www.rockwaterdesigns.com.  They're located in Yorba
Linda (vs. Ireland) and seem to specialize exclusively in the use of glass
fiber reinforced concrete.

I'm trying to resurrect a concrete stream and two waterfalls in my front
yard and am grateful for the wealth of useful information contained on your
site.  Thanks!
Barry Moore
Fullerton, CA

Waterfall article on WetWebMedia.Com
I was reading your article on WetWebMedia.com. I have a boulder waterfall going to my spa. They used granite for the areas where the water flows but holding up the spillway are large (sandstone) boulders. After a few years, one of the boulders is crumbling into sand and it falls into the spa as the ants crawl over it to carry off the grains. I tried Thompson's on it and I tried other water based sealers from Home Depot but they don't last long if it rains. Do you have any "brand" or "type" recommendations to slow down the "erosion" of my boulder (5 foot round) ? Any suggestion based on your
experience would be greatly appreciated.

Indoor Koi Pond Question/Problem
Hello, I've been browsing your site FAQ's for about and hour and haven't found anything that resembles my problem yet. Hope you can help. I have an indoor koi pond that was here when I bought my house. I've killed many a fish, but the pond has been stable for about 2 years now and I thought I was out of the woods. I have two koi that were about 2 inches when I got them, about 3 years ago. One is now about 14 inches and the other is maybe 9-10 inches now. About 2 weeks ago, I bought some river rock to put in the bottom of the pond for some "interest". I boiled them (the rocks)...

...and dechlorinated them before I put them in the pond. Now, I have round white spots appearing on the pond liner. They aren't slimy, or hard like calcium deposits and I have no idea what it is, but they do seem to be multiplying. 

The water temperature gets pretty cold in the winter (it's built into the floor, the house is on a slab so it goes right into the ground. My guesstimate is that it is about 250 gallons) and Blackie and Whitey have been 'lethargic' but I attributed that to the temperature.

They don't go anywhere in the pond without each other, and prefer to hang out at the bottom near the secondary intake of the filter (It's a biological filter with 5 chambers). They've never been social koi, don't eat out of your hand or any of that jazz that I read about, but they seem more active when it gets dark. Blackie has a small white spot on his skin. It's not a bump, does not look like wax drops, he does not look like he has been sprinkled with salt.
The pond readings are: 
Ammonia = 0 
Nitrates = .50 
pH = 6.5 
Salt concentration is .06%. I initially thought this was "ich" and added about 2 cups of salt about 8 hours ago.

I'm planning on packing the kids up in a cooler for a trip to the Fish Store to see if they can diagnose the spot, but I can't bring the pond liner with me. I've attached some pictures, but I don't know that they will be of any help to you. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for any clues.  Nancy Hart

Rocks for scenery
Dear Robert, We are looking for ways to make large, but lightweight, rocks and boulders for set designs for church programs. My husband recalls hearing about a mixture of Styrofoam (?) and concrete. Do you have any idea's? We are looking for something for this Easter- fairly quick- but also for Vacation Bible School this summer and future projects. Any advice would be appreciated. 
Thank you, Bridget Marotz

Fake rocks
hi bob,
have just read your postings and found it very informative.
you see I have been researching how to make fake rocks with spray
polyurethane foam and elastomeric coatings.

we have this neat little spray unit for waterproofing and it will also spray

my plan is to line the sculpted earth (watercourse) with the foam (6lb
density) I was going to then cover the foam with our fast Set elastomeric
membrane then in some area's I want to  try and make it look like a real
rock or rocks waterfall etc.

what do they put over the fiberglass to make it look like real rock.

any advice would be appreciated.

Michael Grosman

Fiberglass Boulders
Do you know of anyone who makes fiberglass boulders that could be lifted off of or which open up and close to cover utility boxes?
If they're not able to economically ship you, ask them who is in your area. Bob Fenner>
Paula Southman
Platte City, MO 

Re: Fiberglass Boulders
Thanks for your reply. I think their boulders are made of concrete and so
would be too heavy for the purpose. If you think of anyone who carries
fiberglass boulders, please let me know! Thanks again.

> Do you know of anyone who makes fiberglass boulders that could be lifted
> of or which open up and close to cover utility boxes?
> Let
> me check the Net... Oh yeah, Rock and Waterscapes is still in business:
> http://www.rockandwaterscapes.net/
> If they're not able to economically ship you, ask them who is in your
> Bob Fenner>
> Paula Southman

Re: Fiberglass Boulders

Related Searches;

  1. In Google FAQs on Water Feature Rock Use/Making/Repair
  2. In Wikipedia FAQs on Water Feature Rock Use/Making/Repair