FAQs on Waterfall Construction

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Cutting fiberglass 8/18/05
Dear Bob

I am using a hot tub shell as a pond in my yard.  There will be a waterfall
into it.  I want to cut the edge or lip off the existing hot tub.  Can I do
this or will it splinter and split?

Waterfall 8/18/05
We have a pretty large koi pond, with a purchased water fall make of
fiberglass. we want a larger one and have been thinking of how we could
build one about maybe 4 to 5 feet with a couple of drops. we think we can
build out of concrete, using chicken wire as a base...

i have looked all
over the internet for ideas.. i don't know if this will work.. what do you
tim and Helen Musgrove
The articles, FAQs files on waterfalls, fiberglass... Bob Fenner>

Waterfall 8/1/05
Dear Mr. Fenner,

I apologize if this is the incorrect way to correspond, but I saw an
email address and just clicked. I live in South Africa, and I have
recently finished some major earth moving on my property. While moving
earth we uncovered some very large rocks that we merely propped up
against a bank, over which storm water reticulated from the surrounding
area (smallish natural catchments as well as a bit of storm water
run-off from surrounding roads) flows. In summer I have observed the
flow to be quite substantial, but no more than can be handled by a 300mm
concrete pipe that the municipality uses to reticulate the storm water
onto my property.

My problem is that we simply stacked the rocks up,
with no thought as to the structural integrity of the feature, or how
the water would all flow into the pond (for recirculation back to the
top of the waterfall in times of no rain). The rocks are very large, and
are stacked next to a small pond that we dug. Unfortunately there is no
way that I can get machinery back on site (and in any event placing
massive rocks with a back actor proved almost impossible). Should I
scrap the idea of the waterfall, or do you have any ideas.
Best regards,
Kevin Higham
PS, I can send some pics if you thinks this might help.

Waterfall construction A,B,C's 7/14/05
     I am here in San Antonio and my contractor just walked on me with a
little of my money.  I am trying to finish this pool myself and ran across
your article and need all the help possible constructing my waterfall.  It's
not a big area in the gunite, about 6' by 3' deep already cut into the
gunite.  HELP!!!  Anything you could say or do or even recommend would be a
big help.  Thanks
with a liner... Bob Fenner>

Ongoing waterfall construction 7/15/05
Thanks for the reply.  I am a little hesitant with how I start the rock
formations or the base that is actually in or partially in the water and
then building from there.
<... did you read the previous citation build a structural trough... with liner... terminating in basin>
  I am sealing the cut out portion (were the falls
are suppose to go) with a concrete water sealer.

  After that I think I have
to use a Portland cement to mount the first rocks in the cutaway portion of
the pool and then build back.  I only say this because I am guessing.

The first layer of rock there, will be in  the water.  Is this correct?

I am not doing an extravagant fall but I want to make it look good.  And do I
continue to use Portland for the whole thing and is it water resistant?
<... i have no idea what you referring to. a cementatious product placed behind about the falls will not be waterproof>
I ask a lot of questions because I am clueless.  I did read the article but that
talked about falls into a pond this area of the waterfall is built into the
gunite and the shape of the pool, so I have to use this area.

Waterfall construction 6-28-05
Hi, I just have a question. I am in the process of building a
waterfall. I have used a ready mix mortar but my husband is not happy with
it. It has some cracks. I think it's because we didn't let it fully dry.

I read on this site that we should use a cement mix with plastic fibers in it.

The only thing I could find was a fiber reinforced concrete mix. Will this

I have looked at Lowe's and Home Depot and when I ask for cement with
some plastic in it they have no idea what I'm talking about.
<... is not cement with plastic in it... but a type of itself... easier to work less alkaline...>
If this is not
good should I put an expandable foam over the mortar?

Re: Waterfall Construction 6-28-05
So you're saying I should use the plastic cement?

Water curtain
We are a landscape company in New Zealand.  The water feature we are constructing is basically a plastered structure that allows a sheet of water 3m across to drop 2.6m. Water will be pumped from a reservoir up into a header tank. This will then over flow creating a sheet of water that drops back down to the reservoir. We are uncertain what volume of water would be required in the header tank and the size requirement for the reservoir and pump.

How to Make the Water Fall
>Our waterfall was completed in October, comprised of a bed of several large stones. The water coming in at a high rate thoroughly washed away most of the clay between these stones. The water created its own rather circuitous route around all of these stones, no longer being an actual waterfall. What material can I use between these stones to bring the surface back for the water to rush over, instead [of] between? 
>>Ah! Easily answered. You MUST go to eponds.com, they have expanding foams SPECIFIC to pond and waterfall applications. To the best of my knowledge/use, they cannot be used to create structure, fill-in only. I've used the black foam for exactly such an application.
>We are in zone 5, so the freezing temperatures are a concern with heaving, which is why I have avoided concrete so far, but at this point any suggestions will be much appreciated. Are there any expanding foams or elastomeric materials that would serve the purpose and withstand the winters here in the snowbelt of Ohio? 
>>See above, but I would consult eponds directly regarding your zone. I'm new to living in snowy areas, at this point have NO experience whatsoever with such other than learning to drive in the stuff.
>The stones are all pretty much above water level and for now, I have a rather ugly solution of a vinyl tarp to direct the water over the stones. Thank you much for your time, J
>>Eponds is the shiznit, my friend. Marina 

Building Waterfalls
Sorry about the caps! I wanted to know how you got started and what made
you decide that building falls
was what you wanted to do with your time?

Did you go to school for training
in any of the knowledge needed to be where you are at?

How steady is your
work flow?

I saw just two or three photos on your site
but did I miss some?
Kevin Bowlin

Waterfall sans pump
It is possible to recirculate water within a waterfall and pond without a
pump by using high mounted remote sealed reservoirs, can you please send me
some info on size of tanks and hoses.
Simon Curnow

Waterfalls and mortar
I am building a waterfall for my fish pond and would like to use mortar to
set my rocks onto the liner so the water will go over the rocks instead of
under them.  I am concerned about the mortar leaching out into the pond.  Is
there anything I can do to the mortar to prevent this?  I've tried
the black biofalls foam and found it very difficult to work with.
alkaline than "plain" Portland cements... Mortars are just cement, sharp
sand, water and possibly a coloring agent... and easier on your skin in
working with it as well. Bob Fenner>

Waterfalls and mortar
     Thanks for your prompt reply!  Could you clarify what is "plastic
cement"?  I was thinking of trying  latex base DRY LOCK Masonry Waterproofer
over my etched mortar. What do you think?
<... nope. i would see here:> http://www.calportland.com/colton/coltprods.htm#PLASTIC%20CEMENT
Just ask your supplier for plastic cement... they will know what you're
looking for... much lower alkali content. I would NOT rely on a sealer...
these wear and chip off over time. Bob Fenner>

Waterfall Sealer
I have an old (15 yr) waterfall constructed of rock and what looks like
regular masonry mortar. When built, I do not believe there is any water
barrier substrate that was put behind the stone so the waterfall now
leaks like a sieve. I have filled mortar gaps with several different
products that reduced the leakage, but I am still losing about 20% of my
pond water daily to leakage out of the system. Can you recommend a
clear, preferably acrylic, stone/mortar sealer that I can paint of the
surface to seal it? I have fish in my pond, so it needs to be non-toxic.
Any recommendations?

Thanks for your help.
Jon Usher

Building Waterfalls
Hello ...
My name is Ashraf, I am Egyptian but I live in Kuwait
Kuwait is nice and rich country but its very poor when it comes to natural views.
I don't want to waste your time, so I'll get straight to the point.
I am working in Air Conditioning field, I have an idea and I am working hard to design and make it true.
I like to design a mountain with water falls, and because I have good idea about refrigeration, so I'll make simple refrigeration circuit to have true snow at the top of the mountain. and the water starts to flow after the top, so the viewer will imagine that the ice is melting and flow.
I need your help in designing waterfalls, I have no problem with snow part.
could u help? 
thanks for reading
Do you have specific questions, concerns?
Bob Fenner>

Waterfall problem
The design:                    A little over a year ago we expanded our
patio and added a retaining wall using Crab Orchard fieldstone (and other
stone) with an integrated waterfall.  The lower concrete pool contains a
pump which pumps water to the upper concrete pool which when full, over
flows down the face of the stone and collects in the lower pool.  The pools
are no more than 4 feet long by 2 feet wide by 2%20feet deep.
The problem:               We have noticed a loss of water volume during
operation but don’t notice water leaking from the horizontal (patio) or
vertical (either side of the waterfall) surfaces.  Neither pool losses
The suspicion:             Other than minimal amounts lost via evaporation
and absorption, water may be leaking through “imperceptible” mortar joints
between the stone.

  I cannot conceive of another reason for nearly the
entire loss (approximately 2 feet/day) of water.
The solution:                If my suspicion is correct, then an application
of a clear, waterproofing material over the surface of the stone may prevent
rapid water loss.  If so, what product is recommended?

If suspicion and solution are incorrect, please provide additional advice!

Mr. Fenner,
I work at a newly constructed golf course and we recently started to construct some waterfalls in our creek beds. Our creek also will have 425gpm pumped through them. One creek is approx.20ft
long and we have five feet of fall from one end to the other, is that enough?

We were also not planning on using any liners or concrete bases, will that create a problem?
 Home Page ... Much of the face of this planet was formed (as you know) through the forces of water movement... I would plan on engineering at least the edge and face of the waterfalls of liner, con-shotcrete, and reinforcing mesh and rebar... NOW, and not try to rebuild it later after so much is washed down. Bob Fenner>
 Please let me know if you have any tips or any ideas.
 Thanks  Jason Kruse

Related Searches;

  1. In Google FAQs on Waterfall Construction
  2. In Wikipedia FAQs on Waterfall Construction