The Family Doradidae or "Talking Catfishes" is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

here are a number of catfish that belong to the family Doradidae. Quite often these fascinating catfish are referred to as "Doradids", "Dorads", "Talking Catfish", "Thorny Catfishes" and other names, which cannot be mentioned, as they are too rude! This group of catfish are found throughout South America. There are small doradids and large doradids commonly offered for sale at most good aquatic retailers. The problem with some of the larger species such as Pseudodoras niger (Mother of Snails Catfish/Black Doradid) and Pterodoras granulosus (Common Bacu) is the fact that they would soon outgrow a 72"x 24" x24" aquarium and are therefore not ideally suited to life in an aquarium unless you can provide a large enough aquarium or tropical pond to house them in. As I do not wish to encourage any unsuspecting aquarist to keep large catfish I will concentrate this ...
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